tc electronic FlashBack 2 Delay pedala

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The new Flashback 2 serves up a sonic buffet of expressive delay by infusing the pressure sensitive MASH technology with our renowned delay algorithms.

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19.080,00 DIN
Cuin Unique Identification Number
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The new Flashback 2 serves up a sonic buffet of expressive delay by infusing the pressure sensitive MASH technology with our renowned delay algorithms.

We completely redeveloped our Tape and Analog algorithms from scratch, recreating the tones of old school echoes with unheard realism, including every little eccentric behavior inherent in those legendary designs.

We also squeezed in a shimmering Crystal delay, made with our own polyphonic octave algorithm from Sub 'N' Up into Flashback 2.

And finally, with 3 TonePrint slots in total, you
get more flexibility than ever, and all the
legendary delay sounds that TC Electronic are
famous for.

Expressive MASH technology
New Ultra-Realistic Tape and Analog Algorithms
New Crystal Delay

tc electronic FlashBack 2 Delay pedala
tc electronic FlashBack 2 Delay pedala
19.080,00 DIN
u audiopro

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