tc electronic Forcefield Compressor pedala

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Forcefield Compressor is here to give you all the vintage squish and squash you could ever want at a price that simply can't be ignored. From subtle sustain enhanceme... Pročitaj ceo opis

6.600,00 DIN
Cuin Unique Identification Number
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Forcefield Compressor is here to give you all the vintage squish and squash you could ever want at a price that simply can't be ignored. From subtle sustain enhancements to smooth signal leveling and all the way to full-on chicken-picking compression, you'll find it all and more in this great road-ready pedal.

Vintage style compressor pedal - from subtle compression to all-out squash
All-analog circuit
True Bypass and top-mounted I/O

tc electronic Forcefield Compressor pedala
tc electronic Forcefield Compressor pedala
6.600,00 DIN
u audiopro

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