Electro-Harmonix Stereo Pulsar

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The Stereo Pulsar generates vintage tremolo and panning that will fill any venue with rhythmic stereo energy. Its Wave Form switch allows you to change the modulation fro... Pročitaj ceo opis
10.200,00 DIN
Cuin Idealno.rs Unique Identification Number
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The Stereo Pulsar generates vintage tremolo and panning that will fill any venue with rhythmic stereo energy. Its Wave Form switch allows you to change the modulation from triangle to square form. The Wave Shape control allows you to control transitions from negative to positive saw tooth or adjust pulse width. This all means you can create any type of stereo tremolo from pure vintage to ones never heard before.

Quick Specs

Stereo outputs
Tough and compact die-cast chassis
9-volt battery included
Optional 96DC-200BI power supply available

Electro-Harmonix Stereo Pulsar
Electro-Harmonix Stereo Pulsar
10.200,00 DIN
u audiopro

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