Pirastro Passione

Pirastro Passione

Kretanje cena


Komplet žica za violinu.

The sheep gut core of the Passione strings is manufactured, wound and polished in the traditional way, by hand.
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15.150,00 DIN
Tip materijala
Cuin Idealno.rs Unique Identification Number
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Komplet žica za violinu.

The sheep gut core of the Passione strings is manufactured, wound and polished in the traditional way, by hand.
The core sound is full, round and warm and has a complex overtone spectrum causing brilliance and clarity and a great power of projection.
Passione strings possess a fascinating diversity of sounds, which allows musicians to alter their tone as desired.
The sound is big and powerful.
Very easy response on all levels of the dynamic range
The accuracy of the contact point is easily manageable.
Significantly reduced playing-in time: Passione strings are immediately playable other than traditional gut strings.
Altering the gauge by 1/4 PM changes the tension by 3%.

Pirastro Passione
Pirastro Passione
15.150,00 DIN
u lyrastyle

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